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Why I Left My Career

One question I get asked often about is why I walked away from my career? The one I had worked so hard to build.

I want to start with, I never was the type to wish to stay home with their child. Growing up, my mom was a working-mom. She had your typically 9-5, Monday-Friday job. So I thought I would end up doing the same. What many don't realize is, now a days, it is considered a luxury to stay home with your child. Sadly, financially, is just not even an option for many even if they wanted to.

I gave birth in June of 2012 and went back to work on October 2012 after spending my entire maternity leave, learning how to walk again (see my other blog post about my birth story). I emotionally had the hardest time walking away from my daughter, like many moms experience when they get back to work. And let me tell you, it is a feeling that got easier, but never went away. I dreamed of the day I could work part-time, so I can spend more time with my baby.

Fast-forward to 2014, I earned another promotion, the one I had worked so hard to earn. I love my job, my job is so rewarding and challenging and I get to help so many people daily. At work I was a mom, counselor, life coach, boss, and wore many, many hats and I was doing it very well. It was a very demanding job, there would be times I wouldn't see my daughter for days. Emotionally, I came home exhausted and had little reserves for everything else in my life. I was afraid as she got older that I wouldn't be able to take her to school, that I would miss out on ballet or swim class, or her first school performance. That I wouldn't be able to cook for her and give her a proper meal. Take her out to the museum and have some family outings. Things I wasn't willing to give up. Financially though, it wasn't an option to leave my career. Money was a significant issue.

In 2016 my husband got a new job that allowed me to be able to go part-time. Now the biggest challenge was, leaving a job I loved and worked sooo hard to earn. I had dedicated so much time and effort and so much of myself to this job and now I was going to give it all up. Its also been a challenge to be living in a much tighter budget. But I cannot even begin to explain to anyone the happiness and joy I feel being able to spend the time I do with our daughter now. Its priceless, I get to drive her to school and pick her up, I get to be there for all her performances and take her to dance and swim. They grow up so fast and I don't want to miss anything. Im forever grateful of how supportive my job was as well of my decision.

Do I miss my career, of course I do. But do I regret anything? No way! I feel blessed to have this time with her and be a parent that is more present in her day to day life. I thank God everyday for making my dreams come true.

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